Karan Tyagi

CS Graduate | Northeastern University, Boston
Full Stack Application Developer | Annaly Capital Management
Actively seeking Full-Time Job opportunities in
Software Development, starting January 2020


Northeastern University, Boston, MA			       September 2017 - December 2019
Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Masters of Science in Computer Science
GPA: 3.81 / 4.0

Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, India	                July 2010 - June 2014
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
Distinction with Honors (1st Division)
GPA: 3.68 / 4.0

  Course Work

Large Scale Parallel Data Processing (Hadoop MapReduce, Spark)

Information Retrieval
Search Engine Design - Web crawling, Text acquisition and pre-processing, Indexing and Storage, Link Analysis through PageRank algorithm, User Interaction, Retrieval Models (tf-IDF, BM25, Query Likelihood), Lucene Search, Search Result Evaluation and Ranking Techniques

Data Mining Techniques
Classification, Association rules, Regression, Clustering, Decision Trees, Ensemble methods, Naive Bayes, SVM, Neural Networks, Recommendation Systems

Web Development
Client Side Development : Bootstrap, jQuery, Angular, React, React Native
Server side Development : Spring, Express, Node

Divide and Conquer, Greedy Algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Sorting and Searching, Amortized Analysis, Graphs.

Programing Design Paradigms
Object Oriented Design - Design principles (Java), Functional programming design (Racket)

Database : MySQL, MongoDB

Database Management Systems
Database Design, SQL, RDBMS, JDBC, JPA, Web Services, Big Data

Managing Software Development
SDLC, Functional and structural testing, TDD, Design Principles, Java design Patterns


Application Developer(Backend) Co-Op				   January 2019 - August 2019
Annaly Capital Management, Inc. | New York

  • Proposed, designed and implemented the Health Check Monitoring System.
    Coded the middle tier processes, persistence layer and the web APIs.
    Created authentication, health-check and emailing web services and processes.

  • Automated the deployment of Database Related Change Requests by creating a service to query
    Jira API for change requests and used SQL Server Management Objects for deployment.
    Improved the deployment time for such requests by more than 80%.

  • Implemented a Message Queuing Library using RabbitMQ for queuing and helped with the
    integration of the Message Broker with the existing financial systems.

  • Built a utility for running and monitoring jobs using RPA(Robotic Process Automation).
    Coded a C# console client for consuming Ui-Path Orchestrator's data.

  • Technologies used: C# | .NET Core Web API | .NET Framework | RabbitMQ
  • Tools used: Visual Studio | MS SQL Server | Jira | Bamboo | BitBucket | VisualCron
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant				       September 2018 - December 2018
    Northeastern University | Boston, MA
  • Teaching Assistant for Computer Graphics
  • Conducting lab sessions and office hours
  • Assisting about 50 students with Graphics programming using C++ and OpenGL
  • Technologies used: C++ | OpenGL | WebGL | Linux
  • Teaching Assistant							 January - April 2018
    Northeastern University | Boston, MA
  • Teaching Assistant for Computer Graphics
  • Helped in conducting lab sessions and course evaluation
  • Conducted office hours for ansering students' queries
  • Technologies used: C++ | OpenGL | WebGL | Linux
  • Project Intern								     June - July 2013
    Forest Survey of India (Ministry of Environment and Forests) | Dehradun, India
  • Designed the database and developed a data collection application using C# and .NET
    framework for data collection and monitoring the disbursement of funds under the Integrated
    Forest Management Scheme
  • Digitizing fund disbursement lead to a significant decrease in the man hours and
    increased the efficiency of the entire process by more than 50%
  • Technologies used: C# | .NET | Win Forms | MS Access
  •   Projects

    MovieBuddies - Web App for organizing movie parties			  Oct 2018 - Dec 2018
  • A web app for creating and organizing casual movie parties for friends.
  • Technologies used: AngularJS | ExpressJS | NodeJS | Mongoose | MongoDB
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/Movie-Buddies
  •  Demo: https://movie-buddies-client.herokuapp.com/home

  • Chat Server Sept 2018 - Nov 2018
  • Implemented a broadcasting chat server akin to Slack with User & Group login, customizable
    profanity filter, real-time wiretapping, message querying, and a command-line interface.
  • Designed the message persistence feature, and implemented the backend database services.
  • Technologies used: Java | Spring | Jira | Jenkins | jUnit | Test Driven Development (TDD)

  • I-Recall : A memory management and recall strengthening app Oct 2018
  • Proposed the idea and system architecture, and built a prototype under 36 hours at
    HackHarvard 2018 hackathon.
  • Supervised the creation of a prototype and demoed it during the judging rounds
  • Modeled and analyzed Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve for our use case.
  • Created visualizations for topic-wise recall curves and for cumulative recall curve.
  • Wrote services for updating the visualizations in real time and for initializing, and
    resetting sample data for the demo.
  • Technologies used: Charts.js | Javascript | Microservices
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/iRecall-HackHarvard18

  • Job Search Made Easy May 2018 - July 2018
  • A one-stop solution for searching, posting and applying to jobs
  • Designed a job portal and implemented it as a RESTful web app for aggregating jobs from
    APIs like Github Jobs API and jobs posted by registered recruiters
  • Technologies used: AngularJS | ExpressJS | NodeJS | Mongoose | MongoDB
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/job-portal
  •  Demo: https://job-search-made-easy.herokuapp.com/home

  • White Board - Course Management System April 2018 - June 2018
  • Online course management system for creating, managing courses and registering students
  • Admin and Faculty modules were built using jQuery, React using a Spring Boot Java server
    connected to MySQL, deployed on Heroku
  • Student module was built using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js)
  • Technologies used: Bootstrap | jQuery | JavaScript | Angular | React | React Native |
    Spring Boot | MySQL | MongoDB | Node
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/hackathons-near-me
  •  Demo: https://kt-whiteboard-angular-client.herokuapp.com/

  • Information Retrieval Systems March 2018 - April 2018
  • Developed a Search Engine in Java with the following features: Query Expansion,
    Pseudo-Relevance Feedback, Snippet Generation, Synthetic spelling-error generation
  • Implemented query expansion using pseudo-relevance feedback
  • Dataset: CACM test collection
  • Created an inverted index after processing the content of the CACM corpus
  • Four baseline models for retrieval: BM25, TF-IDF, Smoothed Query Likelihood, and Lucene
  • Evaluated the performance of the different IR systems using
    Precision, Recall, Mean Average Precision, Mean Reciprocal Rank
  • Technologies used: Java | Apache Lucene | Maven | IntelliJ
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/information-retrieval-systems

  • OvenBot - Display Navigation system and conversational bot for the Blind April 2018
  • Developed a prototype within 18 hours, which allows the blind to easily navigate the
    digital displays of ovens and microwaves, using fingertip detection and beep generation
  • The frequency and pitch of beeps change as you hover your finger over the target point on
    the digital display
  • Technologies used: Python | OpenCV | Google Cloud Services - OCR API | Watson Speech API
  • https://devpost.com/software/making-a-meal
  •  Perkins Hacks Making a Meal challenge
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/PerkinsHacks18

  • Yelp Restaurant Recommendations Feb. 2018 - April 2018
  • Predicted ratings from reviews using sentiment analysis
  • Suggested new restaurants to Yelp users, based on predicted ratings of other Yelp users who
    have reviewed similar or the same restaurants as the user
  • Technologies used: Python | NLTK | Jupyter Notebook | Sentiment Analysis
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/Restaurant-Recommendations-with-Yelp

  • Emotion Recognizing Music Player February 2018
  • A Music system to change songs depending on a person's mood
  • Detecting users' mood in near real-time, based on their facial expressions
  • Built under 24 hours at HackBeanPot2018 Hackathon, Boston
  • Technologies used: Python | Amazon Web Services | Machine Learning | Leap Motion Controller
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/emotion-recognizing-music-player

  • Web Crawler for Wikipedia Jan 2018 - Feb 2018
  • Crawler for crawling Wikipedia articles using seed URL, keyword and depth parameters with BFS and DFS implementations
  • Focused crawling for achieving higher topical convergence
  • Implemented politeness policy by using a delay of at least 1 second between HTTP requests
  • Technologies used: Python | Beautiful Soup
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/web-crawler

  • American Sign Language Recognizer November 2017
  • An interface for Speech Disabled people to communicate with other people who may not know
    American Sign language, using the Leap Motion Controller
  • The interface recognizes gestures and converts them into Audio and Text.
  • Technologies used: Python | OpenCV | Microsoft Azure Emotion API
  • https://devpost.com/software/asl-recognition
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/American-Sign-Language-interpreter

  • Squash Game Nov. 2017 - Dec. 2017
  • Created a ball - racket game where the player plays to maximize his/her time
  • Developed user interactive animation employing techniques such as Design by Contract, High
    order functions, and recursion based programming
  • Technologies used: Racket | Functional Programming
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/ball-racket-game

  • Virtual Mouse June - July 2017
  • Developed a Windows application using MATLAB which simulated mouse functionality like
    point-and-click and drag-and-drop using live video feed from laptop’s webcam
  • Compared various color detection algorithms to recognize colored markers on fingertips
  • Created a module for manual illumination calibration
  • Extended this project to make a Powerpoint app which allowed switching slides by waving
    your hand, and an image app with pinch zoom gesture functionality
  • Technologies used: MATLAB

      Hackathons and Awards

    PerkinsHack 2018 | Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA
  • Won the "Making a meal challenge - Accessibility for the Blind"
  • Oven Bot : Universal digital screen navigation and conversational assistant for making
    ovens (and other kitchen appliances) more accessible for the Blind.
  • Developed a prototype within 18 hours, which allows the blind to easily navigate the
    digital displays of ovens and microwaves, using fingertip detection and beep generation
  • The frequency and pitch of beeps change as you hover your finger over the target point on
    the digital display
  • Technologies used: Python | OpenCV | Google Cloud Services - OCR API | Watson Speech API
  • Know More:  https://devpost.com/software/making-a-meal
  •  Perkins Hacks Making a Meal challenge
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/PerkinsHacks18

  • HackWITus 2017 | Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
  • Won "Best use of Amazon Web Services" prize
  • American Sign Language Recognizer: An interface for Speech Disabled people to communicate
    with other people who may not know American Sign language, using the Leap Motion
  • The interface recognizes gestures and converts them into Audio and Text.
  • Technologies used: Python | OpenCV | Microsoft Azure Emotion API
  • Know more:  https://devpost.com/software/asl-recognition
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/American-Sign-Language-interpreter

  • HackBeanPot 2018 | Boston, MA
  • Emotion recognizing music player: changes songs depending on a person's mood
  • Detecting users' mood in near real-time, based on their facial expressions.
  • Technologies used: Python | Amazon Web Services | Machine Learning | Leap Motion Controller
  •  https://github.com/karantyagi/emotion-recognizing-music-player

  • Goju-Ryu Karate August 2015
    Green-II Belt (4th Kyu), International Academy of Martial Arts, India
    View Certificate 

    Academic Excellence Award June 2014
    Silver Medal, 2nd rank in Computer Science and Engineering - 2014 batch
    during under-graduation

      Technical Skills

    Programming Languages
    Java | C# | Python | C++ | SQL
    Web Development
    HTML | CSS | JavaScript | jQuery | Bootstrap | Angular
    Web apps
    MEAN Stack | Express | Node | React | Redux
    MS SQL Server | MySQL | MongoDB
    Spring | .NET Framework | .NET Core
    Git | Maven | Eclipse | IntelliJ | Atom | Web Storm | Jira | Bamboo | Postman
    Computer Vision
    OpenCV | MATLAB
    OpenGL | WebGL
    Linux | Windows
    Amazon Web Services | Google Cloud Platform | Microsoft Azure Cloud | Heroku
    Hadoop Map Reduce | Apache Spark | Apache Lucene | RabbitMQ | Ui-Path (RPA)


  • Full Stack Development
  • Backend Development
  • RESTful web services, REST APIs
  • Big Data Parallel Processing
  • Web Apps

    Let's get in touch !

    • Address

      Saint Alphonsus Street
      Boston, MA - 02120
    • Email


    • Phone

      (617) 785-5835
    • Social
